Міжнародний євроклуб «PRIME STAR» переймається змінами клімату.

  Вівторок, 15 Жовтня 2019 Мироняк Оксана Василівна «PRIME STAR» Охтирської ЗОШ №1 м.Охтирка, Євроклуби

International club "PrimeStar" from Okhtyrka Secondary School #1 Sumy Region Ukraine takes part in KOEN TIMMERS Project "CLIMATE ACTION PROJECT". This project is supported by HH Dalai Lama, UN Foundation, Dr. Jane Goodall and world leaders. During the past years it was featured by National Geographic, BBC and 40 more national media.

Today, it is safe to say that significant climate change is already happening. We need to reflect and understand that humanity has no right to use the planet's atmosphere for pollution. If we do not take active action, we will soon be nearing to the point where global climate changes will no longer be possible and life on the planet will be threatened in the future.

Moreover, current forecasts for the occurrence of adverse meteorological phenomena indicate the need to take them for the norm of the present. There is a need to develop and implement the climate change adaptation action plan. An adaptation to global climate change is a kind of adaptation in natural or human systems in response to actual or anticipated climate impacts or their effects, thereby reducing harm and taking advantage of opportunities.


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